Qualification: B
Fighting for survival
- Read an article about survival in the Antarctic.
- Listen to conversations about survival on a desert island.
- Study and practise the expressions It’s time, I’d rather, in case, unless, provided, and as long as.
- Study words and expressions related to giving advice. Study vocabulary related to survival. Have a group discussion with your team-mates on Skype. Write about survival tips for people in a new situation. Practise reading comprehension. Improve your pronunciation.
- Study the materials in the unit Fighting for Survival
- Listening Comprehension Exercise
- Write your contribution to your Group Wiki:
- Revise your composition.
- Post your final text in the Forum.
- Comment on other students’ written contributions in the Forum.
- Read and comment on other classmates’ contributions in the Forum.
- Do a speaking activity in Skype with the other members of your group (see note below).
- Listen to other groups’ Skype conversations and comment on them.